Following the call to expansion is no joke.

(I know because I am doing it too.)


“The best way to sum up Merritt? High whimsy, low bullsh*t.”

— Elizabeth Alice Murray

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My specialty is guiding business leaders who are standing at the threshold of their executive greatness. 

Signs that YOU have hit your own turning point are…

Your business or career has reached an exciting benchmark and you’re rapidly expanding.


  • You’re realizing that building and leading a successful enterprise isn’t the party people think it is.

  • You’ve tried to trust team members, but feel let down time and again. 

  • You’re exhausted by being the person who holds the vision and supplies ALL the answers. 

  • You get overwhelmed by the mountain of the tasks, meetings, responsibilities and the weight of balancing it with your personal life.

  • You feel so alone at times, and occasionally wonder if you should burn it all down.

…And still, you have an unrelenting internal drive to make it work! 

If you relate to any of this, don’t worry. 


You CAN do it! Let us show you how.

Hey there, I’m Merritt Minnemeyer.

At Master of One Coaching we are forging the next evolution of executives.

Clients call me a “master coach.” Though I trained at one of the world’s top coach training schools, I think of myself more as a co-conspirator. My agenda: to support passionate leaders in succeeding as powerful, purpose-driven change makers in this new era of business and commerce, and culture.

Because if we are to thrive in the future, we need YOU leading the way.

Little Merritt sitting on her Dad's lap

Me at age 3 with handsome papa. (Holy 1979, Batman.)

Bringing big visions to reality is in my DNA.

I come from a long line of executive leaders and entrepreneurs. From the time I could talk, my family discussed business development at the breakfast table.

While my Grandfather was the Founder, President & CEO of his internationally traded company, my Dad and Mom ran their own private architectural design and development firm. By my teens, I was attending shareholder meetings with my Granddad – AND seeing the realities of running a small business through my parents’ eyes on a daily basis. 

 My unique experience growing up taught me a lot about what to do…and what NOT to do.


Being raised in those environments, I gathered some amazing experiences, but I also learned the terrible pitfalls of leadership gone wrong.

My Dad, once a highly respected visionary and business owner, ended his career in heartbreak. He trusted the wrong people, divorced twice, withered away from illness, and died too young with little to his name.

My Grandad lost his way in his later years believing he alone had all the answers, and nearly destroyed what was, at its height, a booming, continent-spanning empire.

The effects on our family - and the people who relied on those businesses - were pervasive and devastating.

These experiences inspired me to persevere and gave me the drive to help executives work through high pressure situations with grace, reach their full potential, and leave a meaningful legacy.


Then life handed me my hardest lesson of all about perseverance.

In March of 2011 my beautiful husband, Peter — just 39 years old — suffered a seizure totally out of the blue. Imagine how terrified we were when he was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer.

After a year of gut-wrenching treatments, and while parenting our then 6 year old and twin toddler sons…we lost him.

My entire world was blown apart in an instant.

The night he died, I crouched in a ball on the cold linoleum floor inches from where he had collapsed. As I sat there in silent shock, an email came through to my phone from a friend with the last words Peter ever wrote:

“Choose Well. Choose Wisely. Choose Love.”

Today, I no longer wait for “someday” to make big moves. And you don’t have to either. 

The devastating loss of my husband and his inspired message ignited something deep within me.

I got acutely in tune with my intuition.

I committed relentlessly to expanding my self definition.

I surrounded myself with teachers, colleagues, and mentors to help elevate my thinking, my work, and my relationships.

I learned to trust my gut even when it felt risky.

And now I know:

My purpose is to cultivate the best of what is possible. And I do that by supporting amazing people like you.

Today I am grateful to grow a body of work that I truly love. I completed a Master’s degree, attained several professional coaching certifications, and founded a business that affords me the fulfillment and opportunity to create a legacy of positive impact.

I get out of bed excited to work with clients who are innovating in corporate, creative, industrial, government, social, economic, and environmental spaces.

I am executing on my purpose. Finally.

And you deserve that too!

If you are ready to step into the best version yourself…

you are in the right place. 

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“Merritt, is nothing short of a superhero. Her love, compassion, and ability to show up fully for her life is inspiring. I love her and all she brings to this world.”

- Carole Kennelly Founder/CEO, Mayware Ceramics Studio and Ritual Retreat Studio I Ojai, CA

It is time for your brilliance to shine.


I believe…

There’s wisdom in humor. (And healing too!) Like they say: “What doesn’t kill you,  makes you funnier.”

And that your courage to evolve in your body, mind and spirit is the key to your success and joy.



Dark chocolate (I mean, I REALLY love it), luxury couples’ spa days, nonfiction audiobooks, grooving to live music, yoga and meditation with a powerful group of spiritual seekers, cheering on my kids from the stands, traveling to destinations near and far, “forest bathing,” knitting hats for friends’ babies, and Star Wars. Yep, I said it. After all I help our clients “use the Force” all day long ;).

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Are you ready to ignite your Inner Executive Genius?

“Sometimes it takes someone outside of yourself to remind you how great you can be. Fortunately, when you work with Merritt, you not only get reminded and get new tools to help your journey, but you find a mentor who is proof that everything is possible.”

— Matt Ritchey
Founder, Storycraft l Hollywood, CA

“Merritt responds to the issues at hand and also gently pushes to get to the deeper issues underlying one’s resistance and fears. I’m so glad to have found her—my work, and my life, have grown and my visions for the future are more possible, and more likely, than ever.”

— Chris Wells
Founder + Executive Director, The Secret City l Woodstock , NY + Los Angeles, CA

Media Bio

Merritt Minnemeyer is the Founder of Master of One Coaching which is forging the next evolution of executives. She is a Professional Certified Coach, a “recovering” actor, writer, and an international speaker who employs 25 years leadership development experience and her entrepreneurial DNA to every nook ‘n’ cranny of her work. Having rebuilt her life after being widowed with three kids at 35, Merritt believes that conscious leadership is THE #1 solution to our world’s most critical challenges, and that anything is possible with clear intention, aligned action, and a commitment to wholeness.

Ready to live into your full leadership potential?